Los dirigentes de la UE debatirán sobre Ucrania, Oriente Próximo, competitividad, migración y asuntos exteriores.
I leader dell'UE si riuniscono a Bruxelles per discutere di Ucraina, Medio Oriente, competitività, migrazione e affari esteri. In vista della riunione del Consiglio europeo, i leader dell'UE e i leade ...
Az uniós vezetők Ukrajnáról, a Közel-Keletről, a versenyképességről, a migrációról és külügyi kérdésekről fognak megbeszélést folytatni.
Лидерите от ЕС ще обсъдят въпроси, свързани с Украйна, Близкия изток, конкурентоспособността, миграцията и външните работи.
Lídri EÚ sa na mimoriadnom zasadnutí Európskej rady 17. a 18. apríla 2024 zhodli aj na potrebe novej dohody o konkurencieschopnosti a načrtli niektoré prostriedky na jej dosiahnutie. V tejto ...
Press briefing ahead of the upcoming Agriculture and Fisheries Council will take place on 18 October 2024 at 11.00.
Οι ηγέτες και οι ηγέτιδες της ΕΕ θα συζητήσουν σχετικά με την Ουκρανία, τη Μέση Ανατολή, την ανταγωνιστικότητα, τη μετανάστευση και τις εξωτερικές υποθέσεις.
EU-johtajat totesivat 17.–18. huhtikuuta 2024 pidetyssä ylimääräisessä Eurooppa-neuvoston kokouksessa myös, että tarvitaan uusi kilpailukykyohjelma, ja hahmottelivat joitakin keinoja sen ...
Leaders of the Member States of the European Union (EU) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) held their first summit on 16 ...
European Council President Charles Michel spoke to EU and GCC leaders on the occasion of the first EU-Gulf Cooperation ...
The digital transition is crucial for the EU's economic growth and strategic autonomy. The EU wants to ensure that Europe fully seizes the opportunities offered by the digital decade. Digital ...
The European declaration on digital rights and principles enshrines the EU’s commitment to an inclusive, fair, safe and ...