The writer Ta-Nehisi Coates has gotten far more attention than he deserves for his new book, "The Message," which contains a ...
Everyone knows that pigs aren't kosher. But in a new book, Jews' relationship with pork came to define Jewish culture and ...
In the face of campus attacks on “Zionists” and a global backlash against the very ideology of “Zionism,” there have been ...
Lost in the discussion of antisemitism is the intellectual underpinning of an ideology that condemns the Jewish people for ...
Sukkot is a seven-day festival and a very sacred holiday for many Jews. This year it began Wednesday evening. The most ...
The petitioners also call on Morocco to allow Jews to reclaim properties, and to work with their new countries of residence ...
The District 7 hopeful's affable personality and big smile have a way of softening the blow of his sometimes controversial and inaccurate words. His written words land harder.
We must demand that the media uphold the highest standards of accuracy and integrity because words have consequences.
The referendum comes shortly on the heels of a vote by Brown’s Corporation to not divest the university’s endowment from ...
The idea of two states is a non-starter. Making a country out of two separate entities, geographically apart, is always an ...
The bonds between Jews and Latins position our communities to play a crucial role in the pursuit of justice at home and abroad | Opinion ...
Just as quilt artist Louise Silk’s work was informed by her Jewish faith and culture, so has a Heinz History Center exhibit ...